Recently one Sunday morning, I turned on the radio while I was making breakfast. I heard this preacher who captivated my attention. I remembered listening to this same man on the radio many years ago. As I was listening, it occurred to me that this was an older gentleman, but his voice hadn’t changed in the 10 years since I last heard him. I quickly googled Ed Bousman and learned he died of cancer in 2011 at the age of 92 years old. I learned that his undergraduate degree was from a … [Read more...] about Forge Your Legacy – Your Dreams Can Live On, Even After You Die
Creating Your Life Experience
Decide to Lead, Be More Creative and Innovate
When racecar drivers lose control of the car, they are taught to look where they want the car to go, not to look at the wall. By looking where they want the car to go, they naturally steer the car away from the wall. Life is the same way. We don't have control over as many things as we often think we do. Life happens, rarely does it go exactly as we plan. But no matter what happens, we can control our actions and how we respond to situations and the events … [Read more...] about Decide to Lead, Be More Creative and Innovate
How far in advance do you plan your content?
“How far in advance do you plan your content?” is a question many of my clients ask me. It is a good question. Here is the reality, some people create their content and then publish it immediately. Other people plan and then create their content meticulously weeks and months in advance. It takes time to adjust to planning and then creating content in advance, but like anything with practice, it becomes easier, and you get better. Planning your content is helpful for several … [Read more...] about How far in advance do you plan your content?
(Case Study) Tina Glasneck From Close to Giving Up To Amazon Best Selling Author and Speaking at Dragoncon
When I first met Tina Glasneck, she was a USA Today Best-Selling author. She was speaking at an author’s conference about email marketing. We talked for much of the day about our businesses, opportunities, and challenges. Toward the end of the day, Tina mentioned that even though she had an email list of 30,000, she was not getting a lot of engagement or generating a lot of revenue from the list. I found this fascinating and became curious about how a list this size was not generating … [Read more...] about (Case Study) Tina Glasneck From Close to Giving Up To Amazon Best Selling Author and Speaking at Dragoncon
Embracing the Moments When Your Entire Life Changes
Bob Dees is a retired 3-star Major General who is one of today’s top thought leaders on resilience. His mission in life is to teach individuals, businesses, and even nations how to become resilient. He believes that resilience is a skill that can be learned but is often not taught today. This past Saturday, I attended Bob’s resilience conference. The content Bob shared was thought-provoking and insightful. What made this conference significant to me is the timing. Four years ago, today, … [Read more...] about Embracing the Moments When Your Entire Life Changes